Sika Level25 Selfleveling Screed 22.7 kg (156002) FloorBox
Sika 2500 Data Sheet. If the use of this product generates dust, fumes, gas, vapor. Economical patching material for horizontal repairs of concrete and mortar.
Uses on grade, above grade and below grade concrete. If the use of this product generates dust, fumes, gas, vapor. Economical patching material for horizontal repairs of concrete and mortar. 1/4 depth to full depth patching repairs. Web applications overlays and repairs.
Economical patching material for horizontal repairs of concrete and mortar. Uses on grade, above grade and below grade concrete. 1/4 depth to full depth patching repairs. If the use of this product generates dust, fumes, gas, vapor. Web applications overlays and repairs. Economical patching material for horizontal repairs of concrete and mortar.