1098-F Form. A government or governmental entity and certain nongovernmental entities must file this. The appropriate official of a government or governmental entity (including a nongovernmental entity treated as a governmental entity) must file form 1098.
1098 Explained
A government or governmental entity and certain nongovernmental entities must file this. Fines, penalties, and other amounts. The appropriate official of a government or governmental entity (including a nongovernmental entity treated as a governmental entity) must file form 1098.
The appropriate official of a government or governmental entity (including a nongovernmental entity treated as a governmental entity) must file form 1098. Fines, penalties, and other amounts. A government or governmental entity and certain nongovernmental entities must file this. The appropriate official of a government or governmental entity (including a nongovernmental entity treated as a governmental entity) must file form 1098.